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English Conversation Starters - How are You

13 Ways to Ask “How are You” in English

"How are you" is one of the most common greetings and conversation starters in English. If you want to add some variety to your greetings, we will cover 13 different ways to ask, "how are you?" By using these 13 variations, you can keep your English conversations fresh and interesting.

“How are you” is one of the most common greetings and conversation starters in English. However, using the same greeting every day can get a little dull and boring.

Variety is the spice of life. That’s why in our latest YouTube lesson, we will cover 13 different ways to ask, “How are you?” By using these 13 variations, you can keep your English conversations fresh and interesting.

You can check out our latest YouTube English lesson here!

The 13 variations for “How are you?” include:

  1. How have you been?
  2. How are you doing?
  3. How’s it going?
  4. How are things?
  5. How are things going?
  6. How’s everything?
  7. How’s your day?
  8. How’s your day going?
  9. What’s new?
  10. What’s new with you?
  11. What have you been up to?
  12. You do anything fun lately?
  13. Have you done anything fun lately?

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