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Books in a library - English Speaking Practice

English Speaking Practice – Let’s Talk about Books

Improve your English speaking with this free English speaking practice exercise. Learn new vocabulary and build your confidence speaking at the same time!

A lot of English learners have trouble speaking English with confidence because they don’t get enough practice using their English and making their own sentences. Today, let’s fix that problem with an advanced English speaking practice exercise. This speaking exercise will help you to improve your pronunciation, build your vocabulary, and strengthen your English conversation skills.

To complete this exercise, watch the video below. Be sure to repeat after me when prompted to practice your English speaking. I will also ask you to pause the video and make your own sentences because the best way to improve your speaking is by creating your own unique sentences about a variety of topics.

So watch the video below to start practicing your English speaking!

Once you complete this English speaking practice exercise, review the dialogue and the English vocabulary below. You can also test your understanding with an interactive English quiz! It’s a fun way to learn English.

Dialogue Transcript

My favorite books to read are self-help books. Self-help books are non-fiction books that give you advice on how to solve problems for yourself. I also like to read novels or fiction books but I devote
less time to them.

For me, it really doesn’t matter the genre or the type of novel that I’m reading. For example, I love fantasy novels like Harry Potter
because they’re real page turners and I can’t put them down. I also love dramas like The Fault in Our Stars because they talk about life and death in such a poignant way.

To be honest, I prefer e-books to physical books because they take up so little space & they’re a lot easier to travel with. I also like that if I ever decide to move, I don’t have to pack up hundreds of heavy books. The only drawback about e-books is that they can be harder to get into or harder to get interested in.

The last book I read was called Divergent and it was set in a dystopian world or a terrible world. In this dystopian world, cities are destroyed and the survivors are struggling to survive in a very harsh environment. Because of this unique setting, the story was very interesting and easy to get into.

Vocabulary Review

  1. Self-help – adj. a category of books that gives you advice on how to solve problems for yourself.
  2. Non-fiction – adj. a category of books that discusses facts like history, science, biographies, or self-help.
  3. Productive – adj. to produce more of something such as a product or work; to get results.
  4. Devote – v. to dedicate time, money, or effort to something; to commit completely
  5. Genre – n. a unique type of book, music, or artwork that has a particular style
  6. Page turner – n. a very interesting book that you can’t stop reading
  7. Poignant – adj. touches your emotions in a deep sometimes painful way
  8. Drawback – n. a disadvantage; an undesirable feature
  9. Dystopian – adj. a dark society of pain and suffering; the end of the world, after the apocalypse.
  10. Setting – n. the place where a story takes place; the environment
  11. To get into – phrasal v. to be interested in

English Vocabulary Review Quiz – Books

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